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Don't Like the MS Office Ribbon? Bring Back Proper Menus.

Many people think that the new ribbon interface that Microsoft introduced with Office 2007 was a definite change for the better. But lots of people, including myself, disagree. We spent years learning our way around the traditional menu structure, which merely resulted in frustration when Microsoft decided to "improve" things. If you use Office 2007 or 2010 and you want the old menus back, there are a handful of programs and add-ins that can achieve this for you. One of the better-known offerings is Ubit Menu. You can get it from

it works in both Office 2007 and 2010. It's a tiny download, at less than 400 KB.

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Siyalive CSC DigitalSeva Kunnamkulam, Common Service Centres Scheme (CSC), Under Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Govt. of India

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